Vidora and Bootstrap Labs are excited to invite you to ‘The Future of Machine Learning in Business’. This is a summit on Thursday September 20 from 5.30pm-8.30pm. At the summit, we will discuss where the ML space is headed. We will also talk about how B2C businesses can set themselves up to take advantage of this technology.
Part One of the summit will be led by Abhik Majumdar, Ph.D, Vidora’s CTO. He will give a talk on how Machine Learning technology’s evolution for B2C businesses. He will also discuss where you can find the biggest innovations in the space.
Part Two of the summit will be a conversation between Alex Holub, Ph.D, Vidora’s CEO, and Jennie Baird, VP of Product at News Corp. Alex and Jennie will discuss the challenges and rewards involved in implementing ML technology at scale. They will also talk about the ways businesses can best position themselves for success.
The Future of Machine Learning in Business summit will be hosted at the Google Developers Launchpad Space at 543 Howard St. Tickets are $10, and we also have an Early Bird Special for $5 (Password: FutureofML). However, spaces are limited, so be sure to purchase your ticket today!
See you there!
About Vidora
Vidora enables anyone in any business to build and use complex machine learning models. With Vidora’s self-service platform, Cortex, machine learning is intuitive, interpretable and fast. Cortex also automates the entire machine learning pipeline from raw data to model outputs. Experts in machine learning and artificial intelligence from Stanford, Berkeley and Caltech developed Cortex. Finally, Cortex sits at the heart of some of the largest global brands, such as Walmart, News Corp, and Discovery.