Use the Cutting Edge Performance Marketing Strategies

Uplift modeling is an increasingly important tool in the modern marketer’s toolkit of machine learning technology. Uplift predictions, although applicable across a variety of business applications, are particularly powerful for marketers since they address one of the core goals of marketing: how will each customer respond to a particular intervention?

Targeted Churn Prevention

Target the exact group of users who are persuadable to reengage in response to a marketing action.

Precise Discount Offers

Match the right discount with only the group of users who will increase their likelihood of converting after being given the offer.

Prevent Unwanted Interactions

Identify the group of users whose likelihood to convert will be negatively affected by a campaign and exclude those users.

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Benefits of Uplift Modeling


Maximize revenue for a given level of marketing spend by only targeting customers who will be persuaded by your campaign.

Reduce marketing costs for a given level of conversions by avoid spending on customers who won’t be persuaded by your campaign.

Boost customer satisfaction by reducing communication with uninterested customers and eliminating the “spam” effect of mistargeted campaigns.

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