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User Privacy API

The User Privacy API allows our partners to prevent certain user data from being processed by their Cortex account. The User Privacy API is used to maintain a list of users who have invoked their “right to be forgotten“. If a user is added to this list, Cortex will erase all data associated with this user, and will not generate predictions or personalized recommendations on their behalf. This enables you to comply with user privacy requests as outlined by regulations such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

All API requests should be made to, using the methods listed below. Note that authentication is required for each of these methods.

Erase Users

Initiate an erasure request for one or more user_ids. This method involves sending a POST request with the IDs that should be erased. Note that your POST body needs to be included in the signature generation process.


Method URL
POST /v1/api/erasure_requests


Param Required? Type Description
request_id Yes string A unique identifier (in UUID v4 format) for the erasure request being made. This ID can be used to track the status of your erasure request (see “Get Erasure Status” method below).
user_ids Yes string An array of user IDs for whom data should be erased.

Example Request


Content-Type: application/json
{ "request_id": "6645c210-862e-4ff8-a31e-90e0f6457b64", "user_ids": ["qt75k4srvye27ah7", "kp477avzg4szobj5"] }

Example Response


The above example makes a signed call to Erase Users in order to initiate a data erasure request for user IDs “qt75k4srvye27ah7” and “kp477avzg4szobj5”. The response includes the unique ID of the request.

Get Erasure Status

Obtain the status of an erasure request that was made via the “Erase Users” method. The response will indicate that the request is either “pending” (i.e. still being processed) or “complete”. 


Method URL
POST /v1/api/erasure_requests/<REQUEST_ID>


Param Required? Type Description
request_id Yes string The unique identifier (in UUID v4 format) for the erasure request that was passed to the “Erase Users” method, for which you’d like to obtain the status.

Example Request<YOUR_KEY>&expires=2022-0101T00%3A00&signature=<YOUR_SIGNATURE>

Example Response


The above example makes a signed call to Get Erasure Status in order to obtain the status of an erasure request with request ID “6645c210-862e-4ff8-a31e-90e0f6457b64”. The response that the request has been completed, meaning all data for the relevant users has been erased.

Response Codes

Response Description
202 Accepted The request was accepted.
400 Bad Request The request was invalid, possibly due to malformed parameters.
401 Unauthorized The api_key and/or signature was invalid.
404 Not Found The id used in the request was not found or the request URI does not exist.
500 Internal Error There was a server side error, and we cannot serve the request at the current time.

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